• What is Direct Medicare?

    We are part of the Seattle Medical Group, a Subsidiary of Seoul Medical Group, for managed Medicare advantage plans. Patients with the Medicare advantage plans below can join in our managed care group at no additional cost, with added insurance benefits. Members also get better access to laboratory, imaging, and referral authorizations from insurances. If you do not have one of these plans, we work with insurance navigators to help you select the best plan for you.

    This is similar to better known concierge medical plans with unlimited primary care visits, longer appointment times, availability by phone and email outside of office visits.
    Imagine, concierge medicine at no cost to you!

  • Medicare Health plans we accept:

    • PCP # 07263523
    • PCP # 635102
      PCP # 635102
    • PCP # 0312460017
      PCP # 0312460021
    • PCP # 2024040
      PCP # 2024041

    • Pending contract.